
Well before the onset of sustainability and LEED, we have been a leader in conservation.

Sustainability, in its basic meaning, encompasses ruggedness and durability, and provides energy and maintenance/operations savings. Sustainability is important, as there are often energy and environmental “features” which add maintenance/operating costs (instead of savings) in order to claim energy savings and environmental benefit. Our practice of sustainability on every project begins with this pragmatic focus.

Of course, for many owners, certification within a system, such as USGBC’s LEED process is either a requirement (i.e. many public entities) or is a goal/vision of a privately-owned facility. We offer the capability of designing to all sustainability certifications. We also offer the energy modeling and commissioning services needed to achieve the higher levels of certifications.

Within the last decade, samples of our constructed designs have included a prototype sustainable school, several highly-efficient research laboratory facilities, Austin’s first two LEED projects (museum and library), Texas’ first LEED Gold project, and Texas’ second LEED NC Platinum project. We assisted a major university hospital system in its creation of sustainable design guidelines and construction specifications. We have also designed healthcare facilities, multi-use facilities, and university facilities with special sustainability/conservation objectives, including two with “net zero” goals.