Northwest Family Branch YMCA Details
Location: Austin, TX
In order to better serve Austin’s rapidly expanding community, the YMCA developed a ten acre site in Northwest Austin. The YMCA wanted a building that could become a landmark in the community and project the vision of the YMCA as a progressive organization serving the whole family. The building is a cluster of structures, with each structure serving its own purpose and centered around the central lobby. These structures include an indoor pool area, locker and shower rooms, a gymnasium, a cardiovascular and resistance exercise room, several multi-purpose rooms, a child care area, and administrative offices. Additionally, there is an outdoor pool and play area.
Innovative mechanical, electrical, and plumbing solutions were necessary to serve the varying needs of each individual space while being inexpensive to construct. One example of the successfully met challenges is moisture and odor control, throughout the facility, including the special challenges presented by the natatorium, shower and locker rooms, and exercise areas.