TFC DSHS Deferred Maintenance Details
Location: Austin, TX
TGCE has provided facilities assessment, master planning, and design services for deferred maintenance projects at the State Department of Health Services Headquarters Campus. The campus includes twelve buildings totaling 815,000 square feet of mixed office, laboratory, plant, and utility functions.
Facilities assessment includes all MEP/HVAC systems, roofs, specific structural issues, and other related issues. HVAC thermal systems ranged from heating water to steam to chilled water (air and water cooled) to DX. Master deficiencies lists and reports were produced to assist the facility in determining priority of work, given a limited budget.
Phase-I design work includes re-roofing designs (with associated MEP systems design) for four buildings on the TDSHS Campus and the Central Services Building; and the replacement and reconfiguration of three central plant condenser water systems, including cooling towers. Cooling tower replacements/reconfigurations consist of 7-towers totaling over 2000-tons of cooling capacity. Existing wooden field erected cooling towers were replaced with new stainless steel towers. Our services on the campus also include the design of lighting retrofit projects, and building exteriors studies and interim building exterior repairs.
Phase-II work includes fire alarm replacements/upgrades, interim skin refurbishment to the Robert D. Moreton (RDM) Building, programming for skin replacement for RDM, renovations/upgrades to the El Paso Office Building (including roofing replacement), and solar array additions and related services for the Travis and LBJ Buildings.